Cock resuscitation for my friend!!

  • Dauer: 9:15
  • Views: 98
  • Datum: 16.02.2024
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My boyfriend always jokes about how if he didn't have sex for a day, would his cock even work anymore… So we were lying in bed cuddling and then the question came up, but today for the first time ever I'm right on it received!! He didn't expect that, but I gave him an even bolder answer to this cheeky question. I asked very clearly and directly, how about mouth-to-mouth resuscitation?! Or should I have said mouth to cock…either way afterwards there was cock resuscitation sex and now everything should be fine again. Or ?! So, don't talk for long, just lie back and I'll take very good care of your cock, my darling, it's in good hands with me, I promise!!



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